Product Description
This cup of attitude mixes both Indonesian and Central American roasts to create a dark, flavorful creation guaranteed to kick some sense into you.
- Canada's #1 organic Fair Trade coffee
- Certified Organic
- Certified Fair Trade
- Certified Delicious
Kicking Horse Coffee Kick Ass Dark, Whole Bean Coffee, 2.2-Pound Pouch Reviews
Kicking Horse Coffee Kick Ass Dark, Whole Bean Coffee, 2.2-Pound Pouch Reviews
21 of 22 people found the following review helpful Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Kicking Horse Coffee Kick Ass Dark, Whole Bean Coffee, 2.2-Pound Pouch (Grocery) I've had a subscription to Peet's for years. I find Starbuck's dark roast tastes burnt. I saw this coffee in the Gold Box and decided to try it based on the reviews. It is absolutely delicious; the best coffee I've ever had. I enjoy it in my morning latte. It has a strong, robust smell, but blends smoothly in my latte's and mocha's. Even better, it is ORGANIC and FREE TRADE. How good can it get with the low price per pound and free shipping with Amazon Prime. Closed my subscription from Peets and buying Dark Horse from Amazon from now on. I LOVE IT!!! 8 of 8 people found the following review helpful By LadyB (Pasadena, CA) - See all my reviews This review is from: Kicking Horse Coffee Kick Ass Dark, Whole Bean Coffee, 2.2-Pound Pouch (Grocery) I have purchased this coffee from the company and I am so happy that it will be available through Amazon. The shipping is a little steep from Canada. This is one of the best coffees I have had. The name says it all. Anyone who likes a strong dark coffee will enjoy this. Also good is 454 Horse Power Dark. 7 of 7 people found the following review helpful Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Kicking Horse Coffee Kick Ass Dark, Whole Bean Coffee, 2.2-Pound Pouch (Grocery) This looks like a pretty decent coffee, but its not suitable for super-automatic espresso/coffee makers. Problem is that the beans are TOO oily. Good if you self-grind... bad if you put the beans in a large hopper and expect them to automatically slide into the grinder when needed... The oil creates a stickiness which tends to keep the beans stationary. 5 stars if rating the coffee simply on the quality of the beans... would be unfair to downgrade the avg because they don't work with my setup. |
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